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摘要:煙草青枯病是由茄科劳尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)引起的土传细菌性病害,该病害分布广、危害重、毁灭性强,是热带、亚热带烟区的主要病害。生物质炭是生物质材料在厌氧高温条件下热裂解产生的高度芳香化的富碳物质,具有丰富的官能团、发达的孔隙结构和较强的吸附能力,对改善烟田土壤环境具有较大潜力,是减轻或抑制烟草青枯病的长效途径,具有广阔应用前景。文章结合国内外研究情况综述了农业、化学及生物等措施防控烟草青枯病的研究现状,认为单一的农业、化学或生物措施防控烟草青枯病的效果均不理想,农药或土壤改良剂对土壤、植株、牲畜及环境造成破坏,影响生态安全;综合防控措施可消除单一措施带来的短板效应。文章提出利用生物质炭定向调控烟田根际微生物、重建健康根际生态系统、减轻或抑制烟草青枯病的途径:(1)改善土壤理化性状;(2)提升土壤肥力;(3)改善土壤微生物多样性;(4)提高土壤酶活性。生物质炭通过调控土壤生境来改善烟草农艺性状,减轻或抑制烟草青枯病发生,同时促进烟草碳氮代谢,有效调控烟叶化学品质。生物质炭的农业应用可为全面解决烟草连作障碍提供技术参考。

关键词: 生物质炭;烟草青枯病;病原菌;土壤微生物区系;防控作用

中图分类号: S435.72                          文献标志码: A 文章编号:2095-1191(2019)08-1756-08

The prevention and control effects of biochar on tobacco bacterial wilt and its application prospects

WANG Cheng-ji1, GUO Xue-qing2, ZENG Wen-long3, CHEN Qing-he4,

TANG Li-na5, HUANG Yi-bin6*

(1Agricultural Ecology Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fuzhou Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Agro-Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Fuzhou  350013, China; 2Changting Tobacco Company of Fujian Province, Changting, Fujian  365500, China; 3Longyan Tobacco Company of Fujian Province, Longyan, Fujian 364000, China; 4Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou  350013, China; 5Tobacco Science Research Institute, Fujian Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Fuzhou  350003, China; 6Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou  350013, China)

Abstract:Tobacco bacterial wilt is a soil-borne bacterial disease caused by Ralstonia Solanacearum, which is a major disease in tropical and subtropical tobacco areas. It spreads widely and causes devastating damage. Biochar is a highly aromatic carbon-rich material produced by pyrolysis of biomass material under anaerobic high temperature. It has rich functional groups, developed pore structure and strong adsorption capacity. It has great potential to improve the soil environment of tobacco fields, and is a long-term approach to reduce or inhibit tobacco bacterial wilt. This paper reviewed the research status of agricultural, chemical and biological measures to prevent and control tobacco bacterial wilt at home and abroad. It was concluded that single agricultural, chemical and biological measures to prevent and control tobacco bacte-rial wilt were not ideal. The pesticides or soil amendment would damage the soil, plants, livestocks and environment, and affect ecology safety. Comprehensive prevention and control measures could eliminate the shortcomings brought by a single measure. The methods of using biochar to regulate tobacco rhizosphere microorganisms, rebuild healthy rhizosphere ecosystem, and reduce or inhibit tobacco bacterial wilt were put forward. The methods could(1)improve soil physical and chemical properties; (2)improve soil fertility; (3)improve soil microbial diversity; (4)improve soil enzyme activity. By regulating soil habitat, biochar could improve the agronomic properties of tobacco, reduce or inhibit the onset of tobacco bacterial wilt, promote the carbon and nitrogen metabolism of tobacco, and effectively regulate the chemical quality of tobacco leaves. The agricultural application of biochar can provide technical reference for the comprehensive solution of tobacco continuous cropping obstacles.

推荐访问: 防控 烟草 作用 生物 前景分析



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