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2、《Starting a business》翻转课堂教学设计

Starting a business

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities



Make the 25-minutes’ video

The content of the video:

1. List out some examples to motivate students to start a business.

2. The steps of designing the company’s information.

3. The ways of presenting the company.

1. Use the QQ Group sharing to watch the video and study the PPT.

2. Finish the exercise the teacher assigned and email it to the teacher

3. List out the points that you couldn’t understand and send them back to the teacher.

Exercise assignment

Try to design the name and logo of the company, please present it and email it to teacher in the form of WORD.

Upload the resources

Upload the 25-minutes’ video and PPT to the QQ Group sharing.

Check the exercise and collect the problems

1. Check students’ exercise to see if they have a good understanding of the knowledge after watching the video.

2. Find out the problems they made in the exercise.

3. Collect the difficult points the students sent in order to solve them together in the class.





1. List out the problems and difficult points

2. Discuss them and solve them out

1. Some phrases and sentences should be changed when we present the company’s information

2. Some tips when we design the company’s information.

3. The logo of the company is supposed to represent some meaningful things.

There are six groups in the class, four students in one group.

1. Discuss the unsolved problems in groups

2. Solve the difficult points by asking teacher if necessary.

3. Finishing the task by using the learned knowledge

4. Show the achievements in groups

5. Evaluate the performance

Task assignment

1. Design and present your company using all the knowledge you learned

2. Pay close attention to the course of students’ preparation, and give them suggestions if necessary.

Exchange the achievements

Ask every group to show their achievements and feed back the advice to different groups


1. Ask students to make self-evaluation about their own performance according to four standards, that is, concrete company information, creative design, fluent presentation and good team work.

2. Encourage them to evaluate others’ performance

3. Teacher gives them final evaluation for the six groups




[1] 张燕燕,高职院校商务英语专业翻转课堂教学模式初探[J].科技创新导报,2014(36)

[2] 陈洁.基于交互白板的翻转课堂教学案例设计[D].河北:河北大学,2013.

推荐访问: 翻转 教学设计 英语专业 英语课程 课堂



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