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 Conceptual Offshore Control System Design


 July, 1998

 Conceptual Design Analysis Applied to Offshore Control Systems An Independent Learning Module from the ISA

 by Bill G. Tompkins. (summarized by Paul Gruhn)

 or Offshore Control Systems for Dummies

  Baseline Criteria An offshore control system monitors and controls the operations of drilling and production of oil and gas, yet it constitutes only 1 to 3% of the total cost of an offshore facility. The greatest impact of a control system component failure is not the expense of repair, but the loss of drilling time and/or lost production revenue. While there are a number of factors involved, the typical control system payback period is measured in days .

 The ‘building block’ method presented in this book begins with identifying the three groups o variables that must be considered, as shown in Figure 1:

  Facility types

  Control system conceptual design alternatives

  Influencing factors

 Facility Types

 There are three basic offshore facility types.

 Multilevel : This type of facility has the capacity for simultaneous drilling and production, and can accommodate 200 to 300 personnel. The supporting structure may be either stationary or floating. Typical examples of this type of platform are found in the North Sea, Australia, Canada, and the Arctic.

 Multiplatform (Bridge-Connected) : This type of facility also has the capability of simultaneous drilling and production and can accommodate around 100 personnel. The supporting structures are normally stationary. Typical examples are found in the US West Coast, Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

 Single Platform : This minimum production facility does not have permanent drilling facilities, and may be either manned or unmanned. The supporting structure is stationary. Typical examples are found in the US Gulf of Mexico and Nigeria.

  Conceptual Design Alternatives All offshore control systems consist of three basic subsystems:

  Monitoring and control subsystem

  Emergency shutdown (ESD) subsystem

  Safety subsystem

 Conceptual Offshore Control System Design


 July, 1998

  Figure 1: Conceptual Design Data Flow

 There are three general conceptual design alternatives:

  Local Monitoring and Control (LM&C): All indication instrumentation directly connects to the process. May be either pneumatic or electronic.

  Local Monitoring and Control with Remote Monitoring : Used to remotely monitor all shutdown and fire alarms in a central control room. May be either pneumatic, electronic, or computer based.

 Conceptual Offshore Control System Design


 July, 1998

   Central Monitoring and Control : All indication is local and monitored in a central control room. All control and recording instruments, as well as ESD and safety panels, are also located in the central control room. May be either pneumatic, electronic, or computer based.

  Influencing Factors Some influencing factors are considered relatively constant, while others may unpredictably change with time, as shown in Table 1.

 Constant Factors Space Weight Cost Reliability

 Control Room Requirements

 Changing Factors Design & Construction Schedule Operational Considerations Local Regulations

 Availability of Trained Personnel Availability of Spare Parts / Service

  Table 1: Influencing Factors

 Offshore Systems

 Offshore functional systems are typically divided into the following categories:




 Production Process


 Structural and Marine






 Facility Management

  Drilling Systems

 Drilling systems are normally considered independent and unique to any offshore facility. Operation of these systems is usually performed by personnel not skilled in the operation of other offshore systems.

 The drilling instrumentation (driller’s console) is usually located in the same area as the drill equipment in order to monitor and control drilling operations.

 The drilling systems involve the portion of the drilling process concerned with safe, controlled perforation of the field reservoir. Four basic functions are generally included:

  Regulation of the drilling rate and rotary torque.

  Regulation of drilling fluid circulation.

  Blowout prevention (BOP), which are usually hydraulic systems.

  Drilling fluid circulation choke system.

 Instrumentation involved with drilling requires the measurement/control of weight, torque, and speed, and their association with automatic drilling and logging. Instrumentation involved with mud operations requires the measurement/control of pressure, temperature, level, flow, and density.

 Conceptual Offshore Control System Design


 July, 1998

  Production Process Systems

 The production process area is the most significant contributor to the total offshore facility control system element (I/O) quantity, and has the greatest variety of variables to be measured and/or controlled. Variables include pressure, differential pressure, temperature, level, flow, speed, and other specialty measurements.

 Subsea / Platform Wellheads and Manifolds : The wellhead portion of the process can be divided into two basic schemes: subsea and surface (platform) wellheads. Each wellhead or group of wellheads is typically monitored/controlled with a hydraulic system. Other facility monitoring and control systems interface with these hydraulic subsystems either pneumatically or electrically.

 Oil Production : These systems basically consist of changing the product stream temperature (when required) and allowing gas/oil/water separation to occur. Control philosophy involves control of level, pressure, and temperature.

 Low-Pressure Gas Compression : Low-pressure gas (<500 psig) is accumulated and compressed for injection back into the facility gas supply. The compression train is modular and most instrumentation is integral to the package.

 2500 psig Gas Compression : In order to efficiently dispose of low-pressure gas or provide future gas lift, it is necessary to raise the pressure of this gas to at least that of the sales pipeline. These compression trains are also modular and most instrumentation is integral to the package.

 6000 psig Gas Compression and Injection : In order to provide pressure maintenance for a field, the gas pressure must be greatly increase to allow well injection. These compression trains are also modular and most instrumentation is integral to the package.

 Gas Lift Wellheads and Manifolds : Gas lift is a means used for producing oil after natural flow ceases or for supplementing natural flow. High-pressure gas is introduced at the wellhead to displace or aerate the oil from the point of gas injection to the surface. These systems are usually available with a packaged hydraulic control skid.

 Gas Dehydration : To prevent severe corrosion and hydrate problems, it is necessary to dehydrate gas prior to delivery to shore facilities. The gas is dehydrated to pipeline specifications by contacting it with glycol. Control philosophy involves control of pressure, level, and temperature.

 Crude Sales Pipeline or Tanker Loading : Two methods of crude oil delivery are typical: pipeline- to-shore, and delivery to a ship for transport. Venting and Flaring System : These may operate at either atmospheric, low, or high pressures. Flare systems may require pressure regulators and scrubbers may be regulated with a level controller.

 Wastewater Treating : These treating systems receive oily water effluent from the produced water header, process vessel drains, closed equipment drains, and open deck drains. The water is treated and disposed of. Control philosophy involves control of level and pressure.

 Water Treating and Injection : When water is injected through wells into the reservoir as a secondary oil recovery technique, the water must be treated prior to injection to prevent reservoir plugging. This usually involves flow and back pressure control.

 Power Generation : There are typically two categories; a) main, interruptible AC power, and b) emergency power. Main facility power typically is provided by turbine-driven generators. Emergency power comes from engine driven generators and batteries. The control packages are usually integral with the systems.

 Other systems include:

 Conceptual Offshore Control System Design


 July, 1998

   Firewater and Hypochlorite Generation

  Potable and Service Water

  Fuel Systems

  Service and Instrument Air

  Injection Chemicals

  Glycol and Lube Oil Storage and Distribution

  Quarters HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning)

 Process Shutdown Systems There are essentially four technologies used for process shutdown systems, which are really no different than other industries. Each uses a different principle in receiving data, executing the associated shutdown logic, and completing the process shutdown.

 Pneumatic ; These systems are the largest and heaviest. They are considered the easiest to understand, and therefore only require a low operating and maintenance skill level.

 Relay ; An electrical, rather than pneumatic system. Hermetically sealed relays are normally used.

 Solid state ; An electrical system using printed circuit boards and solid state relays. These systems do not use computers or software.

 PLC (Programmable Logic Controller); A software based system. Each system has been used offshore. Larger installations generally prefer solid state and software based systems, as they are smaller, lighter, and generally less expensive. Pneumatic systems have historically been used on smaller platforms.

  Structural and Marine Systems

 These two systems are physically related by immersion of the structure in the water and by the effect of marine conditions on the structure. There are independent systems for monitoring controllable (e.g., buoyancy) and uncontrollable (e.g., weather) variables.

 The structural subsystems include fixed-leg monitoring, critical support member monitoring, hull/compartment monitoring, collision damage monitoring, crane boom and drill mast monitoring and corrosion monitoring. Instrumentation involved may require the measurement/control of pressure, temperature, level, and load. Structural systems are monitored for integrity relative to the level o...

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