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  第一节 大纲要求

 四级考试短文写作的设计旨在测试学生用书面英语表达思想的一般能力。教育部最新修订的“大学英语教学大纲”规定,学生在达到四级水平时应作到:能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时作笔记,回答问题和写提纲,能就一定的话题和提纲在半个小时内写出 120-150 词的短文,能写短信或便条,表达意思清楚,无重大语言错误。



  1)时间为 3O 分钟。

  2)文章长度为 120—15O 词。









  注:全国大学英语四级考试委员会规定:从 1992 年开始,在大学英语四级考试中设“作文最低分制”即作文最低分为六分;若考生作文成绩介于零分和六分之间,则其最后总成绩=卷面总分—6+作文得分;若考生作文成绩为零分,无论其总分多高,均按不及格记。


  2.1 评分原则

  l)CET-4 是检查考生是否达到《大学英语教学大纲》规定的四级教学要求的考试,因此对作文的评判应以此要求为准则。

  2)CET-4 作文题采用总体评分方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分而不按语言点的错误数目扣分。



  2.2 评分标准

  本题满分为 15 分,阅卷标准共分五等:2 分,5 分,8 分, 11 分及 14 分。阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数(如 8 分)相似,即定为该分数(如 8 分);若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数,则可以加一分(即 9 分)或减一分(即 7 分)。但不得加或减半分。具体标准如下:

  2 分一条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。

  5 分一基本切题,表达思想不够清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重语言错误。

  8 分一基本切题,有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯,但语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误。

  11 分一切题,表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。

  14 分一切题,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误。

 注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给 0 分;特别

 优秀的作文也可评 15 分。


  累计字数在 9O—99 之间,扣 1 分;

  累计字数在 80—89 之间,扣 2 分;

  累计字数在 70—79 之间,扣 3 分;

  累计字数在 60—69 之间,扣 4 分;

  累计字数在 50—59 之间,扣 5 分;

  累计字数在 50 以下,最多给 5 分。


 第二节 四级写作命题剖析


 四级考试已经历时 16 年了。经过对 1987 年 6 月至 2O02 年 6 月作文命题题材的分析、归类研究,我们可以得出一个明确的结论:四级写作的题材具有显著的现实性。它们基本贴近大学生的学习、工作及课余生活,或涉及当前社会的变化、发展及进步,或者一般的科普性话题。总之,四级写作的题材不会出现偏题、怪题等现象,也不会让学生写一些不熟悉的社会现象或者与学生生活缺乏联系的科技题材的题目。另外,值得考生注意的是,自从 1998 年以来,大学英语考试作文项目,四、六级共用同一题材命题。这就要求四级考生的写作水平与六级水平接近,其惟一的差异只是字数的差异。四级写作要求 120—150 词,六级写作要求 150 词。


  通过对 l987 年 6 月至 2001 年 6 月的 21 套四级考试写作题题材的分析归纳,可发现关于学习及校园生活的题总共有 15 篇,占总数的 52%。这些题材贴近学生的学习体验、校园生活、业余活动等,是学生最熟悉和了解的话题,所以也应该是考生最易于有感而发的题材。


  这类题材在分析归纳的 26 篇真题中为 6 篇,占总数的 23%。这类题材反映当时社会主要变化,属于热门话题。所以,考生在正常学习英语的同时,应多读些英语报刊,如 21st Century、China、daily、Reader"s Digest、Times、《英语沙龙》等。阅读时文不仅可提高英语阅读能力,也可从中学到许多具有时代气息的新词及表达方式,这对于提高写作能力,写出具有时代感的作文来,是很有帮助的。


  常识格言题材在所分析归纳的 26 篇真题作文中占 7 篇,为总数的 27%。这类题材一般为说理议论文,其内容贴近学生的思维范畴。考生只要理清文思,便可以写出符合要求,甚至漂亮的作文。有关此类题材的真题作文列举如下,供参考。



  通过对 2O 余套四级作文真题的分析和归纳,可以看出四级作文的体裁多样,主要有论说文、记叙文、图表作文、应用文等。



  近年来,四级作文命题注重考生的思辨能力,不仅要求考生推理论证,谈经论道,还要求考生表达个人观点。比如 Can Money Buy Happiness, Don"t Hesitate to say“No”, Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Luck,Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary 等等,都是明显的论说文体裁。这些命题要求考生针对问题论述,只有立场鲜明、观点明确、理由充分、文理通顺,才能获得作文高分。所以,四级写作中的论说文体裁,不仅仅是测验英文文字处理能力,更重要的是它测验了考生的思想内涵及思考能力。因此,应试时,构思谋篇之后再提笔行文,议之头头是道,论之语出惊人,再加上顺畅流利的语言表达,才是四级作文高分突破的关键所在。

  这类体裁的写作在四、六级考试中占了很大的比重,在总共 26 篇四级写作分析中,此类体裁占了将近 90%。所以,学生对此类体裁应该予以特别的关注。


  记叙文是用来记叙一件事实的体裁,其写作三要素为环境(where),人物(who),情节(what)。记叙的基本线索是时间顺序。通常行文中用一些表示时间的词语(如 when,while,before,after,then,during,suddenly,finally,at last 等)把一系列事件和动作连接起来,构成一个完整的记叙。记叙文记叙的一般为已发生过的事情,所以一般采用过去时态。这是中国学生写作时容易出错的地方。因此仔细审题并在完成作文后细致纠错是十分必要的。在历年的四级作文中这一体裁仅出现过一次。





  《大学英语教学大纲》对于写作能力的要求中专门提到了学生应能写日常应用文(如信函、简历等)。应用文是人们在学习、生 产、工作、生活中传递信息以达到交际目的的一种文体,它要求言简意赅、条理清楚,不需过分的文饰。常见应用文包括私人书信(private letter)、社交书信(social letter)、其他书信(other letters)、便条、备忘录、求职信、简历等。应用文体裁的写作命题在四级考试中出现过两次,而且是在最近的几次四六级考试中,所以,应该引起学生的注意。






  Can Money Buy Happiness (1995.1)

  a.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)

  b.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of evil)





  Global Shortage of Fresh Water







  Is Failure a Bad Thing (1992.1)







  Practice Makes Perfect (1997.1 CET-4)




  第三节 应试技巧





 一. 审明题意



  比如,大学英语四级考试作文标题为“What Would Happen lf There Were No Power”。如果只看标题,就无法确定文章的主题内容。因为“power”一词含义广泛,有权利、政权、电力、能力、体力、精力等许多意思。这里“power”究竟是什么意思呢?这就要结合提示句来看了。文章各段的提示句分别为: 1. Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life;

  2.If there were no electric power—


  结合提示句,首先可以确定文章的主题内容是写什么,会发生什么事情,会对人们和社会产生什么影响。其次,文章的主语人称,可以选 we,也可以选 people,但二者必须确定其一,不宜混用。第三,要注意文章第二段需用虚拟语气,这是一个特殊之处,绝不可忽略。假如应试者把这种假设写成真实情况,即没有用虚拟语气,文章写得再好也不会得高分。

  又例如,作文标题是“Make the Most of School Days”,各段提示分别为:




  综合标题和提示我们可确定:首先,文章主题内容是关于要充分利用学校的大好时光。其次,文章主语可选 we,也可选 students,但二者不可混用。最后,文章宜用现在完成时。

 二. 构思、拟订提纲




 2.通过自我提问的方式,打开思路。提问可围绕 what, who, when, how,why 等问题展开,或从中选择主要问题,也可提出类似以下的问题,如:

  (l)What is my opinion of it?

 Is it good or bad? Is it beneficial or harmful?

 (2)What is my attitude toward it?

 Do I Like it or dislike it?

 Do l accept it or reject it?

  (3)What have l observed about it?

 What is special or unique about it?

 What sticks me about it?

  (4)What can l suggest about it?

 What should be done?

 What should not be done?

 3.将这些杂乱无章的资料进行整理和取舍。以“Benefits of Sports and Games”为例,根据题目确定中心。首先可能想到的有关内容为:

  good to health, make us strong, Physical exercise, enrich life, courage, skill, prevent people from fat, train collectivist spirit, beneficial mental workers,be versatile, etc.


  make us strong

  help mental worker




  make one"s life rich and colorful

  make one versatile

  do good in character training

  enhance courage

  train collectivist spirit



  经过对题目的酝酿和构思,把筛选好的内容按前后、重要次序排列好,整理归纳成文章的框架。我们仍以“Benefits of Sports and Games”为例,根据筛选整理的内容,主要采用列举法拟订以下提纲。

  A. Benefits of body health

  a. Make us strong

  b. Especially help mental workers exercise their bodies

  B. Benefits to life variety

  a. Make one versatile

  b. Enrich one"s life with sports and games

  C. Benefits to character training

  a. Enhance courage and enthusiasm

  b. Train collectivist spirit



 Fake Commodity







  cheap comparably, price gap, don"t like filing claims, market system, fake appliance, cause fire, lose money, fake medicine, realize the worst result, resist

 三. 紧扣主题句完成段落














 四. 检查修改










  另外,在上述几个写作关键步骤中,时间的分配大致应该为:审题、拟题纲 10 分钟,拟主题句、完成段落 15 分钟,检查 5 分钟。








  Generally speaking,...


  It goes without saying that...


  It is (quite) clear that... because...


  It is often said that...


 A proverb says...


  As the proverb says...


  Many people often ask this question:“...?”



  Therefore we should realize that...


  We have reason to believe that…


  Everybody knows that...


  It can be easily proved that...

  很容易证明…… It is true that... ……是真实的 NO one can deny that... 谁也不能否认…… One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is... 跟上述同样重要的一项是…… The chief reason why...is that... 为什么……的主要原因是…… We must recognize that... 我们必须承认…… There is no doubt that… 无疑地…… I am of the opinion that... 我认为…… This can be expressed as follows... 可分下列数点:…… To take... for an example... 以……为例,

  (Now that) We know that...

  (既然)我们知道...... What is more serious is that... 更重要的是……


  Others may find this to be true,... 在别人看来可能是对的,……

  There is a certain amount of truth in this. 这在大体上是对的。

 Another special consideration in this case is that... .


  But I don’t. I believe that... 但我个人并不这么认为。我认为……,

  Though we are in basic agreement with... 虽然基本上我们同意……

  What seems to be the trouble is... 似乎困难是在……

  Yet differences will be found, that"s... 然而其中仍有不同的地方,…… Why I feel that... 这也是我为什么认为……

  On the other hand... 另一方面,

  Perhaps you will question why... 也许你会问为什么……

  Besides, we should not neglect that... 除此以外,我们更不能忽视…… But it is a pity that... 但是有点可惜的是……

  But the Problem is not so simple.Therefore,.. 然而问题并非如此简单。因此,……

  However,... 然而,无论如何……

  But we still have a problem with regard to...


  So long as you regard this as reasonable,...只 要你认为合理,…… You may … 你可以……


  The result is dependent on... 结果根据……而定

  From this point of view,... 从这个观点来看,……

  In a word,... 总而言之,……

  In conclusion,.


  On account of this we can find that...


  Thus,this is the reason


 we must...


  二.根据关联词本身在文章中起到的作用,主要分为以下四类 1.与“启”有关的常用词语 at present 现在

 currently 目前


 now 现在

  lately 最近

  in general 一般来说 at first 最初

 to begin with 首先,第一

  to start with 首先,第一

 in the beginning 起初

 first of all 首先,第一

  in the first place 首先,第一 recently 最近

  generally speaking 一般来说 for one thing(for another)首次(其次) on the one hand(on the other hand)一方面(另一方面) It goes without saying that...


 2.有关“承”的常用词语 besides( this) 此外

  certainly 无疑地,确实地 so 所以

 truly 事实上;具实地 unlike… 不像……;和……不

  what is more 而且,此外 of course 当然

 incidentally 顺便让我一提 at any rate 无论如何

 second(ly) 第二;第二点 third(ly) 第三;第三点

 also/ too 并且;又,也 for example 例如

 for instance 例如 as an example 例如

 as another example 再如 namely 即,就是

 then 然后 in addition to 除…之外

  besides(this) 此外 in addition 此外

  furthermore 而且,此外 moreover 而且,此外

  after a while 过了一会儿 from now on 从此

 later 后来; such as 正如

 similarly 同样地 what is more 而且,

  for another 其次

 in other words 换句话说

 in particular 特别,尤其 in the same way 同样地

  soon 不久 consequently 结果

  for the purpose 为此 indeed 的确

  no doubt 无疑地 obviously 明显地

  particularly 特别地 still 仍然

 after that 此后 afterwards 此后

  after a few days 几天之后 meanwhile 与此同时

 at the same time 同时 by this time 此时

  in particular 特别(地) in the same manner 同样地

 3.有关“转”的常用词语(通常用来表示不同或相反的情况) at the same time


 by this time 此时

 especially 特别地

  fortunately 幸福地 in other words 换句话说

 whereas 然而 after all 毕竟

 but 但是 on the contrary 相反地

 unlike 与……不同 on the other hand 另一方面

  all the same 但是 unfortunately 不幸地

 still 仍然 in fact 事实上

 likewise 同样地 anyway 无论如何

  yet 仍;然而

 however 然而

  nevertheless 尽管如此 although 尽管如此

  no doubt 无疑地 conversely 相反地;否则

  perhaps 或许 in the same way 同样地

 Luckily 幸运地 despite 尽管

 in spite of 尽管 in particular 特别地

 as a matter of fact 事实上

 4.有关“合”的常用词语 to sum up 总而言之

  briefly 简要地说

 above all 最重要的是

  as a result 结果

 for this reason 所以

  hence 因此

 finally 最后

  in brief 简而言之 in conclusion 总之

  in short 简而言之 by doing so 籍此

  consequently 因此 as has been noted 如前所述

  as I have said 如我所述 at last 终于

  in summary 摘要地说 therefore 因此

  thus 因此 to sum up


 to conclude 总而言之 as a consequence


  so 所以 obviously 显然

  certainly 无疑 on the whole 就全体而论;整个看来

 at length 最后,终于 truly 的确

  in brief 简而言之 in sum,总之;简而言之

 to speak frankly 坦白地说 eventually 最终

 accordingly 于是 indeed 确实

 surely 无疑 no doubt 毫无疑问

 三.根据衔接词本身的意思和文章连接所需要的逻辑意义,可分为以下14 类。

 1.表示因果关系 as a result He never studied hard, and as a result he failed in the last examination. as a result of He is late for work as a result of traffic accident.

 accordingly He want to buy a radio for study English, and accordingly her mother bought it for him. because (of) We are delayed because of a traffic jam. due to His success is due to his excellent work. owing to

 Owing to his absence, our meeting is canceled thanks to

 Thanks to your help, or I will have failed in the examination. now that Now that you have grown up, you must earn for yourself. as long as

 You could accomplish your dream so long as you try it again and again. since

 Since you are here now, you’d better give a hand. on account of Don’t give up on account of his advice. in that The policy is harmful in that it may encourage people to give up so that The officer spoke at the top of his voice so that every soldier could hear him.

  consequently It rained so heavily, consequently, we cancelled the play to climb the mountain. hence

 It is 12 now, hence you must take a sleep. the fact that The fact that you lost this time doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be able to win next time therefore There is a calculating mistake there, therefore, the answer is wrong.

 2.表示解释关系 as a matter of fact

 I will go there this morning, as a matter of fact, I have only 10 minutes’ drive from you. as well I will go there. My friend will go with me as well. frankly speaking Frankly speaking, I am not very satisfactory with your words. in this case In this case, I will go there as soon as possible.


 or else Make haste, or else you will be late. otherwise You must bear this passport, otherwise you will be stopped by the guard. if so

 If so, it will make a great difference. that implies He is in panic now, so that implies he is lying. to put it more precisely He is rather strong, to put it more precisely, he is a little sturdy. under no circumstances Under no circumstances will I go there.

  4.表示递进关系 additionally I like playing cards, additionally, playing chess is also my favorite. in addition I need your help. In addition, I also need her support. besides First, we must work hard. Besides, we must work with a creative mind. and moreover The hat is the right size for you, and moreover, it goes well with your skin. that is to say The stock price is declining, that is to say, I am losing money. furthermore She is kind, and furthermore, she is beautiful. in other words I am not hungry, in other words, I really dislike the food in this canteen. equally important You should read more news from newspapers and equally important, keep an eye on the news from the radio. what’s more

 It is harmful to my health, and what’s more, it is no good to my work. last but not least Last but not least, my thanks should go to every member of my class.

  5.表比较关系 equally as a teacher, I should teach well. But equally, I should study well. in comparison with

 In comparison with the red one, I would like to choose the blue cap. in the same way It is such a coincidence that we figure it out in the same way.

 in contrast to

 In contrast to your belief, I quite disagree with you, instead

  If you don’t go, I’ll go instead. on the contrary You thought I like it. On the contrary, I dislike it. in contrast It is hot in the daytime, but in contrast it’s very cold at night. while We are happy in China, while most Africans live unhappily.

  6.表选择关系 alternatively You may take the exam.Alternatively you take another one next year. either... o r Either you or I will go there. rather than In this matter,the parents should be blamed rather than the children. instead of You should be reading books instead of lying there in bed. not....but She is not an English teacher,but a German student. whether... or not I wonder whether you will come or not this afternoon. neither...nor

  Neither you nor I will go there.He will come this afternoon.

 7.表转折关系 although Although he is old,he still work everyday. despite I will visit him despite the heavy snow

 at the same time The little kid bring troubles,but at the same time you can"t help liking him. even though Even she is late, she walks slow. however I planned to go there, however, the incident suddenly interrupt my normal work. in spite of In spite of the boy’s sincerity, the teacher is still very angry. nevertheless

 Nevertheless, I would try to make a remedy. regardless of

 Regardless of age, sex, race and economic level, all men are equal.

 notwithstanding I have determined, notwithstanding your disapproval. on the contrary I used to think that the result will be good. On the contrary, it turns out to be bad. still

 It’s raining cats and dogs outside; still, I will visit him. though I will visit him though it is raining there. otherwise We must be hurry, otherwise we can not catch the bus. while Sadness is beautiful while loneliness is tragical. yet

 He is sentimental sometimes, yet I still like him.

 8.表总结关系 all in all All in all, we must cope with it well. briefly Briefly, I agree with you on the matter. in conclusion In conclusion, the first opinion is much more reasonable than the latter idea. in summary In summary, we can’t fully believe what we heard from others. to sum up To sum up, teaching student is not an easy task to perform. on the whole On the whole, the book is extremely valuable. in all In all, it is great to be a father. in short In short, actions speak louder than words. in brief In brief, to help others is to help yourself. in a word In a word, we will win while they will loose. in terms In practical terms, I believe it will work. in sum In sum, it is great to be a teacher. to summarize To summarize, spare the rod, spoil the children. to conclude To conclude, it is true that we should pay more attention to this problem.

  9.表次序关系 above all Above all, remember to call me when you arrive. afterwards We played the whole day and afterwards walked home together in the evening. eventually Eventually, he rose to the position of vice president. first/firstly/first of all First(ly)/First of all, I"ll mention the history. second/secondly Second/secondly, I will mention the present. furthermore Furthermore, it is not good enough in this respect. finally Finally, I agree with you on this matter. last but not least Last but not least, my personal efforts also play a small role in the accomplishment of the task. to conclude To conclude, life is not a battle if you want to be a normal man. lastly Lastly, I must say it will be remembered by people around the world. in the end In the end, they parted each other at the cross road.

  10.表强调关系 above all Above all, the good policy makes us dare to be rich. of course Of course you will fall behind if you don"t study harder. indeed I am indeed very glad to see you are well and sound. most important Most important, it is a book for sale first. with great emphasis on He delivered a speech with emphasis on the solar energy.

 11.表示过度关系 as regards as regards your school report, I don"t quite agree. as to/as for She"s very uncertain as to where he is now. by the way

 By the way, there is a letter for you in the President"s office. with reference to With reference to further information, please let me know. with regard to With regard to your score in last examination, I am afraid it is not a good news for you. regarding It is a book regarding the War at Hasting. concerning Nobody have the information concerning his whereabouts. talking of Talking of philosophy, I know little about it. incidentally Incidentally, your proposal has most people"s attention, to resume To resume our discussion, how do you think of Lincoln? to get back to the point To get back to the point, have you ever visited Mr. Johnson?


 as follows The reasons are as follows. a case in point A case in point, Qingdao is such a beautiful city. for example For example, Chairman Mao is such a great hero. for instance There are many advantages, for instance, it can make your book perfect. including There are many children there, including a 2-year-old baby. to illustrate To illustrate, I can give you many examples.

 13.表示同指关系 that is There are two persons there, that is, Tom and Jack. in other words In other words, we must finish it before he comes. that is to say let"s go back to the original plan, that is to say, you must go there.

 14.表示时间关系 after a while After a while, he came back with smile on his face. afterwards

 Tom came in for a cup of tea, then he went out soon afterwards. as long as You may borrow this book as long as you return it. at last At last, we succeed. at length At length he told us the truth. at that time At that time, all people are poor. eventually We waited for her on and on, and eventually she came. finally After a heated discussion, finally he gave up. in the past In the past he was very naughty. meanwhile Tom was listening to the radio, and meanwhile Adam was reading. presently He is presently the president of the U.S..

 so far

  So far he"s been to China more than 3 times.

 thereafter Thereafter, they lived a happy life. until I did not feel hungry until midnight. until now He has not come until now. when I used to listen to the radio when I was young.




 1.论证和说明的常用句型 (1)As it is described that… (2)It has been illustrated that… (3)It provides a good example of… (4)History may provide us with the examples of … (5)According to a latest study, it can be predicted…

 (6)According to the statistics provided… (7)A recent investigation indicates that… (8)The situation is not unique; it is typical of doze...

推荐访问: 题型 英语四级 剖析

